How to Be Productive: Work From Home Tips
With what seems like the majority of the nation currently working from home due to the Coronavirus outbreak, I thought I would share some of my best work from home tips. I’ve worked from home for over 3 years now, and it definitely took me a while to get adjusted – so I’d love to share what works for me.
Below are some of my favorite tips to help you stay on track (and stay sane!).
Create a ‘Happy Place’ to Work From
Make sure this is different from where you eat, where you watch TV, and where you sleep. You want to be able to ‘reward’ yourself when you’re done working (more on this later).
I try to make this my ‘happy place’ in order to make work as enjoyable as possible so you wake up excited to start working. For me, I like to work from my kitchen table that overlooks the LA skyline.
I like to play some upbeat or classical music, run my favorite diffuser (the boost blend is perfect for work!), and I also keep their focus mist on-hand at all times. Sometimes, I like to light a candle to switch things up. I keep some yummy coffee or tea at my side at all times, some Brain Dust, along with my favorite hand lotion.
PS – Always keep your home clean and clutter-free for maximum productivity.
Dress Your Best to Feel Your Best
It’s true! When you look your best, you feel your best, and you work your best. While the idea of rolling out of bed in your PJs and working from your bed or couch might sound appealing – the chances of actually getting work done are slim. It might sound fun at first, but the feeling of guilt and procrastination will start to take over when you don’t end up getting anything done. Trust me… been there, done that – it doesn’t work.
I’ll be honest, I don’t get up and wear a blazer or a dress or anything like that. But I do basically live in comfy clothes. Z Supply and Cotton On are my favorite places to get some cute comfy clothes to work in. Lately, I’ve been wearing this cute leopard set nonstop with these slippers.
Give Yourself Rewards To Stay On Track
This is my favorite tip of them all! To help me get through my work day, I set up small rewards to help pass the time and motivate myself to get through it. I’ll reward myself every hour or so with a yummy snack/vitamin gummies, tea, a face mask, etc. My favorites are this treatment mask, this detox mask, and these sheet masks.
I also try to schedule something after work to look forward to. Whether it’s a cooking date with James, a show we’re looking forward to, or a book that I’ve been wanting to read.
Set Ground Rules with Yourself
This is probably the most important tip. Now, more than ever, it’s going to be much easier to get distracted on your phone and scrolling through social media with seems like a new huge update happening every 30 minutes. I’ll be honest, I fell into this trap for the first few days of quarantine.
It’s important for productivity’s sake (and for your mental health) to avoid getting too caught up in the news and social media. Although I think it’s extremely important to stay informed, it’s also very easy to get too caught up and get lost in what’s going on right now.
On a normal day, to keep myself from getting too distracted on my phone/social media – I work for 25 minutes, check my phone for 5 minutes and repeat until I’m done with my work.
At the end of the day, it’s important to create a schedule that works for you & stick to it.
Set Ground Rules with Your Coworkers
Let’s be honest. The idea of working from home with your boyfriend, husband, friends, etc. may sound fun at first, and while it is – it can get quite distracting. Take the time to make some ground rules during work hours.
Get Some Fresh Air
We as a species aren’t built to stay inside all day every day, and in one place at that. It’s important to get outside, get your blood flowing, and soak in some vitamin D. Even if it’s a short, brisk walk around the neighborhood – and even getting in your workouts at home. I’m especially loving the POPSUGAR Fitness workouts on YouTube.
Bonus Tip: Use This Time to Get Some Things Done That You’ve Been Procrastinating On
Now, more than ever – you have all the time in the world to get that task done that you’ve putting off. Start that side hustle. Reorganize the bedroom. Work on that business idea. It’s now or never.
Most importantly, use this time to not only distract yourself from all this madness, but work on yourself. You can come out of this much stronger by doing so.
Thanks so much for reading, babes! I’m hoping this post helps, even if it did in a small way. Share your favorite productivity tips in the comments below!
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