• Self-Love Beyond Just Valentine’s Day
  • Self-Love Beyond Just Valentine’s Day


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    Valentine’s Day is over, so does that mean self-love should end? NOPE! I’m a firm believer in taking care of yourself year-round (mind, body, and soul).

    For some, self-love can mean carving time out of your day to pamper yourself. For others, it can mean diving into your passion, and for others – it can mean staying away from the phrase altogether.

    I personally I love indulging in new beauty products while diving into inspiration for the blog. I love scouring the internet for new pieces, flipping through blogs and magazines, and indulging in a good cup of tea or coffee. It might sound simple, but nothing makes me feel more at ease. I’ve always been a huge advocate of self-love, so I make sure to carve time out of each week to do what makes me happy.

    This month, I’ve been playing with some new products that L’Occitane was kind enough to send me. I’ve been especially loving their Lavender Foaming Bath, their Candied Fruits Scented Candle, and their Aromachologie Pillow Mist. PS – this post isn’t sponsored by them in any way, I just love and adore their products!

    Besides indulging in my new L’Occitane products, I’ve been setting time aside every Sunday to read up on my favorite blogs, put away my phone, and I’ve started journaling. What do you do for self-love? I would love to know! Let me know in the comments below.



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