Hey guys, it’s been a while! To give you the low-down on why I’ve been MIA on the blog is that grad school has been NUTS. If you want daily updates, be sure to head over to Instagram – otherwise you can wait with me to graduate in August 😉
All that being said, I’ve only been committing to blog posts when it comes to something that I’m A.) passionate about B.) something that I think you’ll LOVE and C.) when I have enough time/sanity to get one up. This blog post is a combination of all three, so sit a while because I’ve found a game-changer that I think you guys will really enjoy.
When Green Chef* first contacted me – I was in the midst of yet another Chinese takeout while juggling homework, responding to emails, doing my nails, and catching up on my favorite vlogs. I kid you not, I’m constantly doing at least 3 things at once. Is it just me, or do you guys do the same thing? I swear I always have at least 20 tabs open both on my computer and on my mind that I just can’t think straight some days, so much that I’ll forget to eat.
I notice that I’ll put off eating for as long as possible until I’m STARVING and when that happens, it’s not a pretty site. I shove everything in my mouth until my hanger goes away and then almost immediately I want to throw up from eating so much. NO BUENO.
I looked through greenchef.com to find delicious meals that I honestly would never have even dreamed of making with my busy schedule. Thai coconut steak, shrimp scampi, cajun mac-n-cheese?! There was no way. I went on to see that their ingredients are all USDA-certified organic, they have different meal plans (omnivore, carnivore, vegetarian, gluten-free, paleo, vegan, and family), and best of all – they ALL take less than an hour to make.
Say. What.
I was still a little hesitant as I’m not a cook, like at all. I’m notorious for burning my pancakes and undercooking my eggs, but I thought it’d be worth a shot. I mean that thai coconut steak isn’t going to cook itself – right?!
I happily obliged to working with Green Chef and I’m SO glad I gave it a whirl. For the first meal, James and I cooked our meal together as a sort of little date night to get our mind off things. It was actually really fun working together to make a meal while we caught up on our days.
For the next one, I decided to give it a whirl myself to see if I have some unknown talent hidden that I was unaware of. I decided to attempt the chicken waldorf recipe, and unbeknown I actually really enjoyed following the steps and watching it all come together. Side note: who else acts like they have their own cooking show in the rare occasion when you cook? Just me?
What I really like about Green Chef is that they have cooking tips that I can apply to any future recipes. For example, one recipe instructed that I place cooked bacon (with the pan) directly in the oven to make it crispier. I’m not sure if this is common knowledge or what, but I had no idea this was even a thing. It felt dangerous yet so professional all at the same time. I can dig it.
So the final result? The food was AMAZING, I still can’t believe that yours truly made this meal – but the impressive part? It took me only an hour to make (granted I took a million pictures in between, so it probably would’ve been even quicker).
I think my favorite part about Green Chef is that every ingredient is perfectly proportioned which means nothing goes to waste. I’m so bad about buying produce at the store and forgetting about it a week later. Plus, who even knows what to get at the store when you get there? Seriously… please teach me your ways. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather spend my free time shopping and snuggling with the pup instead of researching Pinterest recipes for hours on end, making a list, and hoping I don’t forget any of it at the store.
Green Chef is so much more than just a food delivery service. For me, it’s a time-saver that helps keep my health in check. In all seriousness, if it can get that accomplished – I’m in.
Their 2-person plan delivers one box with ingredients for three recipes that each serve two people each week. Their family plan delivers one box with ingredients for two recipes that each serve two adults and two children each week. Just for my darlings, Green Chef is offering $50 off – just click through on this link to get started. Tell me what you guys think when you order! Xx
*This post was sponsored by Green Chef but all my thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.
Wow this sounds like an amazing service and something I could use! I never have time to cook and since I’m doing a lot of things all the time as well, I end up getting HANGRY and stuffing my face with whatever I find hahaha
Thanks for sharing this cool and useful service and that $50 off promo code! YES, PLEASE!!
You look gorgeous btw!
Omg, girl. I have same problems sometimes and actually forget to eat and later I overeat and want to throw up (sorry). But I have been getting some delivery food that you can cook at home by Sun Basket and absolutely love it. Green Chef sounds so great. I have to check them out too, maybe when I will get tired of Sun Basket food.
You are not the only one who acts like they have their own cooking show !!! lol My kids have enjoyed playing “food network” for years now as they pretend to be camera people. Lol, but seriously! This is so amazing! I never heard of green chef before and I can’t even believe it. I love how you and James incorporated it into a date night!
I’m actually looking into a meal service like that. The idea of not forgetting something at the grocery store is just amazing. On top of that, I’ll get to learn new recipes instead of cooking the same things over and over again. Your dish looks so good and you did such a wonderful job of capturing everything.
Maggie S.
Wow, this meal delivery service looks amazing. I love that everything is proportioned out for you and that it is ALL organic. I try to eat healthy and buy organic most of the time and it does get expensive and wasteful since organic produce goes bad quickly. I like that these meals take less than an hour to make and they are healthy and taste delicious. I need to look into this for myself too! xoxo, Christine
Daily Kongfidence
Hey Lily, you look so pretty in your nightie and I love your beautiful kitchen! I’m a bad cook and I think Green Chef is worth a try especially when I’m trying to eat clean and healthy too. Hope you’re feeling better btw 🙂
This post is very inspiring! Because everything looks delicious here and this delivery service sounds amazing. I always try to eat clean and healthy, but sometimes becasue of the hectic pace of life I don’t have enough time to cook. I’ve never heard of Green Chef but I think it’s a great option to try. Thanks for sharing!
Have a nice week
Hey Lily,
Ohh Sich Nice Service: Green Chef, And Sound sooo Cool:)
Actually I can imagine myself as well;) I am all about eating clean and Trying out everything new:) For me Healthy Lifestyle is very important:) Happy that you are on the Healthy Lifestyle Road as well:) You will see the difference:)
You Looked So Cute in your Silk Robe:)
Love Open Kloset By Karina
Happy Monday
Oh yes I remember the college days of studying way too hard that some nights i forget to eat all together. This sounds like the perfect solution for busy people or college students that need something quick on the go without losing on the health factor! Such a great idea and so useful! I’d have to recommend this to some of my friends who are still in college they’ll love this!
Green Chef look so amazing, especially because I love eating healthy! your pictures and you are so beautiful!!!
xx, Gina
OMG I do that too – I wait till I’m starving to eat and don’t always make the best choices. I try to have healthy foods ready to eat in the fridge but that doesn’t always happen. This looks perfect – almost like having your own personal chef! Great idea!
I really love how there is a step by step manual/ recipes to guide even the most beginner cooks. From how to cut to how big or small each cut is. The best part is that for individuals it is so convenient yet really healthy.
We are all becoming so busy in our daily lives and we often forget to take care of ourselves. I often do that too, go long hours without eating and then the only thing that you can find in your fridge isn’t healthy. Green Chef sounds like an amazing service to use. The Cajun Mac and Cheese sounds so delicious, as do all of the other dishes. The recipes look super easy to follow too, I wish we had a similar service in Singapore, I would seriously use it. Also how pretty is your silk robe, you have tell us next time where it’s from :).
This sounds amazing! I’ve been wanting to try something like this for awhile! Anything that saves me time grocery shopping I’m all for. I wasn’t aware that this war organic so that definitely makes it a subscription I’m going to look into using! I absolutely pretend like I’m the star in a cooking show from time to time. I feel like it forces me to not just throw everything together but to really take my time! Great post!
Manda | http://EvocativelyChosen.com
I actually was a box subscription customer of another company for a while until they were inaccurate with the boxes (missing ingredients, missed delivery date) so I just recently switched to Green chef. What I love is that they’re based out of Boulder, local to me! When you posted this on IG I was so curious what your thoughts were since I literally had just ordered my first box a day before your post. I’m so glad you’re enjoying your meals and the experience and I can’t wait to try my first box which is delivered later today!
-Lily Rose
Haha, seriously you had me laughing while reading this as we are kitchen twins for sure and I also do at least 3 things simultaneously with too many tabs open both mentally and on screen… And when that sugar low hits you… darn, I could relate to everything here and just because you are you I am willing to give this a try in order to improve my diet and to actually enjoy cooking! 🙂
Wow girl you are crazy busy I’m sure. Good look with the rest of schooling till August. You got it I know you do. I think your recipe looks so good. I need to start looking more into cooking at home. I am also loving your house robe. It looks so super comfortable and I’m always looking for something cute and fashionable to wear around the house. When it comes to food I sure do need some guidance. I think this one hour recipe doesn’t seem to hard either.
That sounds like me when I was at uni. I literally ate fast food at least 3 times a week! I am not a cook at all, but if you say it’s easy, I will definitely have to try. Your final product looked good!
Thank you for sharing!
This is such a great idea! I think that the hardest thing about eating healthily is having all the ingredients you need and that completely solves it! You did such a great job- looks so yummy
What a great experience! Congrats, girl! Everything looks absolutely delicious. I’m a huge fan of cooking, so it’s always great to explore and look for new ideas. I’ll definitely take a look at Green chef! Thanks for sharing.
Cheers, Eliza | http://www.fashion-confession.com
I can feel you on this one! I am also multi tasking and forgetting to eat or waiting till the moment I have to rush into the fridge and eat anything I find, so this service is just perfect! Love their organic choices and giving cooking tips is such a good idea as well!
Happy international women’s day!
I’ve been wanting to try this it looks so good. And you’re right about putting off food until you absolutely have to. Sometimes I didn’t even realize it. I’m def going to look into this!
I need always new ideas to kitchen, for my me and my family, thank you to share us .
Wow Chicken Waldorf salad is one of my faves and I’ve never tried making it myself before! This definitely seems like a healthier take on it and Green Chef definitely makes it seem so easy to make. Love how they are a healthier option than some of the other prepped meal services out there! Definitely gonna check them out.
This dish looked delicious and I like that they portion everything including the seasonings. I’ve always cooked my own meal for myself and the kids so the idea of having someone do the leg work and all I have to do is turn on the stove is great! I wish I look this fabulous cooking dinner tho 🙂
~ xo Sheree
Posh Classy Mom
I don’t like and don’t know how to cook, but with the service like Green Chef it seems doable! I love the fact that they measure ingredients for you so you don’t have to worry about it. I also love their healthy approach to cooking. In other words, this is a service that is definitely worth checking out!!
Very cool! I love that they are making cooking easy and fun! It’s nice that you don’t have to deal with the hassle of going to the grocery store, forgetting something (which I always do lol), ormaking too much. Will definitely have to try this!
I am so glad you posted this!! I’m always on the go and of course sometimes I end up eating not so healthy. It is so hard to try and maintain a balanced lifestyle. I will definitely now look into using a food delivery service like this.